What is the brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) test?

Brain Nitriuretic Peptide (BNP) test tests BNP Hormones in blood. BNP is formed by heart and its volume in the blood gets information about how the heart is working. In general, BNP is found to have very little blood in the blood, but if the heart has to work under considerable pressure for a very long time and a condition like heartbreak has been created, then it means that the heart is extracting much amount of BNP. Due to which its volume in the blood has increased. But at the time of treatment of heart disease, the amount of BNP in the blood starts decreasing.

Why is the test done?

  • The brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) test is done for the following reasons:
  • To check for heart failure, if you are having problems like breathing and swelling in the hands and feet, then your doctor might think that you may have heart failure.
  • To find out how dangerous the heart failure is.
  • To detect the effect of treatment.

How to prepare the test?

Your doctor may ask you for 8-12 hours of fast before taking your BNP ticket. At the same time, you may also close your heart failure medication before the doctor’s test. If this happens then you have to follow the instructions of your doctor.
How is the test done?
  • For this, the first doctor will tighten your arm with a rubber band tightly. This will stop your blood flow. From this, the veins below the rubber band will start to appear clearly.
  • After this the blood sampling place will be cleaned from the place of loneliness.
  • After this, the needle will be inserted into the vein; it may also require more than one needle for it.
  • The blood is removed from this needle and filled in a tube.
  • After removing the amount of blood, the needle is removed and after that the band is also opened from the side.
  • After this, a gauge or rubber ball is placed in the place of the removed needle.
  • If you have any other problem or you are taking any medication without the advice of the doctor, or discuss any other thing which the doctor needs to tell, talk to your doctor about it.
How do you feel?
You may not have much problem in blood sampling. Or maybe you might feel like a thorn prick with the needle going into the vein. At the same time some people may feel more pain in this situation. But most people do not feel pain or feel a little uncomfortable. The pain in blood sampling depends on the sampling professional or your own health.
The risk

There is no risk in taking blood sample from the vein. But sometimes there may be some minor problems. like:
  • There may be a slight ditch on the place of extracting blood. But he gets away from his hot streak.
  • On the other hand, swelling also occurs after taking blood in some cases. This condition is called swelling in the wall of the vein. In such circumstances, it is possible to relax after a hot spell for some time.
  • One problem can be the continuous flow of blood. Such problems can occur in those people who are using blood diluted medicines such as aspirin, warfarin (commudine). If you are taking any such medicines, please tell your doctor before taking a test about this.
Nitriuprite peptide test is used to check BNP in blood. The quantity of BNP increases with age and it is more than that of men in women. The general level below which the BNP has given is called the reference range. It is used only as a guide. This range does not have to be the same in every single lab (laboratory). It may be that the normal range of a lab is more than the second lab. That is why your doctor reaches a conclusion based on your health and the elements associated with you.
N-terminal Pro brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) can be checked at the place of BNP. Although the NT-ProBNP test is different from the BNP, both of them share similar information.
Amount increased in blood of BNP:

  • Increased amount of fluid in the body or pressure on the inner part of the heart.
  • Helpful in detecting cardiac failure intensity.
  • The biggest cause of death among cardiovascular failure patients
  • Chances of early cardiac failure in people who have kidney dialysis.
Effects of other diseases on the test: 
Some diseases which may have an effect on the BNP Test:
  • Lung disease, such as emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • Kidney disease, kidney dialysis, or heart attack.
  • Age, BNP, increases with increasing age but it does not even know until heart failure occurs.
Also know
After the treatment of cardiac failure, the quantity of blood in the blood of BNP gets affected automatically. Even if its volume decreases, but it is more than normal until it recovers from heart failure. Your doctor will also know about the effect of your heart failure treatment along with BNP.

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